
Friday 2 September 2011

August 2011 media release concerning complaints to the Australian Press Council

The Australian Press Council has released preliminary data about the numbers and
outcomes of complaints considered by it during the year 2010-11.

Highlights include:
• The number of complaints considered by the Council rose by 7% to a total of 437 (excluding 129 which were outside its jurisdiction or were referred elsewhere).
• Mediation or adjudication by the Council achieved remedies for complainants in 194 cases.
• Mediated remedies included 98 apologies, retractions, corrections or similar action. In another 36 cases the newspaper agreed to publish a response by the complainant.
• Where mediation failed and the matter went for adjudication by the Council, 71% of complaints were upheld.
• This proportion of upheld complaints compares with 43% in the previous year and an average of 46% over the preceding decade.
• All adjudications by the Council were published in the newspaper or magazine to which they related, although not always with due prominence.

Further details are available on the Council’s website.
Information about types of complaint and other aspects will be provided in the Council’s Annual Report later this year.

For further information or comment by the Council's Chair, Prof Julian Disney, contact:
Derek Wilding (Director, Standards)
02-9261-1930; 0425-242-401;

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