
Sunday 4 September 2011

Elite private school sources funds from drug dealer

Being Sunday and the broadsheets not publishing today it's only reasonable that NCV does a bit of tabloid-like blogging.

Cranbrook, an Anglican independent non-selective day and boarding school for boys, located at 5 Victoria Road Bellevue Hill, has found itself in the picture for accepting cash from a drug dealer as payment for school fees.

Today's Sun Herald reports:

Even cocaine traffickers have to pay their kids' school fees. But the Maroubra drug dealer Wayne Cleveland miscalculated when he turned up at Cranbrook on March 12, 2008, with $40,000 in cash.

According to a police statement tendered in the District Court, the school, apparently alarmed at the sight of so much money, declined to accept the full amount owing, taking just $15,000. To add insult to injury, it told Cleveland it might have to report the transaction to authorities because it was more than $10,000.

Somewhat panicked, Cleveland turned to his friend and prominent eastern suburbs real estate agent Glenn Farah, the then chief executive officer of NG Farah, a family business founded almost 50 years ago.

Read more here.

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