
Friday 23 September 2011

It's now a Melbourne Cup field looking for Nats' preselection

After reporting on Stuart George's nomination for National Party pre-selection for the by-election in Clarence and thinking all's quiet on the local front, a ghost from the past has suddenly sprung up and lodged a nomination for Nats' pre-selection in Clarence.

Chris Gulaptis

Chris Gulaptis has returned to the local scene and announced he's going to do a big favour for locals in the Clarence valley and offer his services as a prospective local member.

To say that Gulaptis has form would be something of an understatement.

When another cousin, Tweedie Rivers, heard about Gulaptis's plans she asked, "Is Murray Lees part of Gulaptis's band of helpers?"

Who's Murray Lees?

Read The Daily Examiner's coverage of Gulaptis's nomination here.

1 comment:

  1. So we've lost an MP for Clarence who is being investigated by ICAC and we now have a wannabe MP for Clarence who was investigated by - what government department was that again? ROFLOL!


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