
Tuesday 20 September 2011

Nationals testing the waters in Clarence

ReachTel conducted a telephone poll this afternoon/evening in the electorate of Clarence.
Do you remember the name ReachTel? They're the mob The Port Paper (Port Macquarie) commissioned to conduct a poll in the Federal electorate of Lyne in August and then go to town on the local member, Rob Oakeshott.  
The Port Paper had a distinct smell about it and after completing a join-the-dots exercise it was not unreasonable to arrive at a conclusion that it looked very much like a front for the Nationals. The Port Paper has since folded, although its website euphemistically says it is "currently undergoing redevelopment".

Today's ReachTel polling in the electorate of Clarence was testing the waters in relation to a number of names.

Respondents were asked to provide their assessment of  a number of individuals.
1. Favourable
2. Neutral
3. Unfavourable
4. Unknown

Given that it was all about the by-election to be conducted in Clarence later this year, the list of names included a couple of red herrings.

The names provided (in order) were:
Steve Cansdell
Richie Williamson
Stuart George
Janelle Saffin
Kevin Hogan
Karen Toms

Next question: If a state election was held today, who would you vote for?
Christian Democrats

Then, the $64 question: If you were forced to make a choice between the following candidates, who would you vote for?
1. Richie Williamson, Independent
2. A candidate from the Nationals

Read more about Stuart George, the son of Thomas George (Nationals MP for Lismore) here.

Stuart George

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