
Saturday 17 September 2011

SEVERE WEATHER ALERT: Sh#t storm about to hit Clarence electorate

Well here we all sit on the NSW North Coast barely having drawn breath after the March 2011 state election and yesterday voters in the Clarence electorate found out that they have to endure the wannabe pollie pain all over again.

The not-so-honourable Nats MP for Clarence, Steve I didn't know the pen was loaded Cansdell was forced to resign amid allegations that he had laid false evidence in the form of a sworn statutory declaration to avoid the penalty attached to a driving offence (apparently admitted) and improperly used his parliamentary allowance (strongly denied).
He may have saved his pension by going to the police and confessing the former (even if he could yet face charges) but the latter may see him answering to ICAC as well sometime down the track.
What makes it worse is the fact that in July 2005 Cansdell went to the local newspaper wanting 'zero tolerance' in the case of young offenders and since then has mouthed off about a local magistrate, been forced to publicly apologise to others found not guilty by the courts, and yes was caught speeding again.
Antony Green hit the nail on the head when he observed "Despite it being a state by-election, the prospects are that the federal Coalition will want to make more of this by-election than the state Coalition, and certainly more than either state or federal Labor."
Yep, Tony Abbott and Co. will probably make life miserable for local voters during this election campaign as smear after smear is spread in what one local voter described as a dress rehearsal for 2013.
I listened and read most of what Cansdell stated in the meeja over the course of the day, but never once did I hear him apologise - to the people he was elected to represent - for deceiving and leaving them without representation. An oversight or does he really care so little for the district?

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