
Wednesday 21 September 2011

Who's having a lend of us then?

It wasn’t hard to come to the conclusion that the developer was testing the bounds of credulity in this matter given his reputed track record. But to find first that the Clarence Valley Council Acting-General Manager was coming over all coy on the subject and then that the newspaper developed diplomatic amnesia in the space of thirty days and forgot his name is unbelievable.
Guess we know which local identity won’t be backing Richie Williamson’s bid for the seat of Clarence if he stands at the 2011 by-election.
“DEVELOPMENT applications lodged at the Clarence Valley Council by Maclean developer Andrew Baker are set to come under the scrutiny of the government watchdog, the Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC).
Following a meeting last Monday between the council's acting general manager Mike Colreavy, Mayor Richie Williamson and Mr Baker, Mr Colreavy said he had referred some matters to ICAC.
Mr Baker told The Daily Examiner yesterday he had spent almost $1million ‘trying to sort out' development applications lodged during the past three years.
“I provided information to council on a number of issues with developments we have had with council over the past three years,” he said.
“We have had to put in close to a million dollars to either challenge or correct the issues that I highlighted to council.”
“I didn't ask for any reference to ICAC ... Mike Colreavy made that decision and he asked for me to agree or not.
“So council have referred this to the ICAC, not me.”……”
“THE Independent Commission Against Corruption will not pursue a complaint against Clarence Valley Council and Mayor Richie Williamson.’…
He did not identify the nature of the "external" complaint but said it was made in August and alleged "institutional corruption within council" and related to a number of planning transactions listed in a document sent to the mayor.
He said the complainant alleged the transactions involved "abuse of process", "contempt of court", "attempt to subvert", "exceeding authority", "sham requirement", "failure to implement council decision", and "failure to implement requirements of DCP" by council officers.
"I referred the complaint to the Independent  Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) after meeting with the complainant on August 8, together with the mayor," Mr Colreavy wrote.
"My referral to the ICAC sought its early advice as to what steps to take with the matter and what direct involvement the ICAC wished to have in it……”
“Given that the list of transactions of what (the complainant) believes show corrupt conduct are in most cases speculative and unsubstantiated, and noting your willingness to engage an independent planning expert to review each of the transactions (the complainant) has listed, the Commission has determined not to take any action.”

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