
Friday 28 October 2011

2011 Clarence By-election Scorecard. Part Two - tit for tat

NSW Nationals candidate Chris Gulaptis in the media this week:

In a campaign flyer mailed out across the Clarence electorate - we are already delivering on our election commitments in the Clarence electorate, such as the $3.7 million upgrade to Casino Public School.

NSW Country Labor candidate Peter Ellem in the media this week:

NSW Greens candidate Janet Cavanaugh on Facebook and a blog this week:

In the Clarence Greens blog - “One of the key issues we are worried about is the threat posed by mining to our precious water supplies. There is the risk posed by antimony mining on the Dorrigo Plateau to the Coffs-Clarence regional water supply and our estuarine fisheries, and the potential for coal seam gas exploration to drain and poison groundwater reserves as well as wreck important farming land and wildlife habitat.
“Mining needs to be better regulated, to limit these potential impacts. The Greens have introduced a bill to create a 12 month moratorium on coal seam gas exploration across NSW and are calling for a ban on mining within important water catchments.
“The major parties seem unable, or unwilling, to act to protect our land and our water. This by-election is an opportunity for voters to voice their disapproval by casting their vote elsewhere.
The dangers of arsenic and antimony are well documented. “Antimony and many of its compounds are toxic, and the effects of antimony poisoning are similar to arsenic poisoning.... in small doses, antimony causes headaches, dizziness, and depression.’ Wikipedia. According to a 1999 study by the National Academy of Sciences, arsenic in drinking water causes bladder, lung and skin cancer, and may cause kidney and liver cancer. The study also found that arsenic harms the central and peripheral nervous systems, as well as heart and blood vessels, and causes serious skin problems. It also may cause birth defects and reproductive problems.
Anchor Resources a Chinese company is proposing to reopen the Wild Cattle Creek mine with a one and a half km open cut. Wild Cattle Creek flows into the Nymboida River, part of the Clarence River system which supplies water from Sawtell to the Clarence estuary. Antimony is found with arsenic. Once antimony and arsenic are leased from the ore and clays they are carried by the high rainfalls of this area to the sea. These elements enter the groundwater in higher than normal concentrations and there are no guarantees they will be permanently contained by ponds or dams at mine sites.

Christian Democratic Party candidate Bethany Camac has not made any public statement in the media as yet.

1. Chris Gulaptis continues down a dangerous path. This week his claim that the Nationals delivered $3.7 million in funding to Casino Public School was exposed as merely honouring an existing building contract signed off on by the former NSW Labor Government in 2010 and, the positive announcement of some funding towards a Yamba Health Centre appeared to get little traction within the target community.
While lining up to be included in the frame when a NSW minister does a little union bashing is not a good look and talk of a jobs summit, while probably well-intentioned, had echoes of an earlier Labor campaign.
Relying on the NSW Health Minister to put a Yamba Health Centre media release online rather than doing this himself could be seen as rather lazy.

2. Peter Ellem continues to demonstrate that he understands how to communicate and is to some degree setting the political debate agenda.

3. Janet Cavanaugh is taking her candidature to social media and the local monthly markets. Which at this stage is probably a sensible use of limited resources.

4. Wade Walker by saying nothing (except in the comments section of The Daily Examiner where he goes under a pen name) does himself no good.

4. Bethany Camac remains an enigma wrapped in a mystery, so her status since the March 2011 state election remains unaltered to date.

Rolling Scorecard
Gulaptis -1.5
Ellem 2
Cavanaugh 1.5
Wade Walker 0
Bethany Camac 0

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