
Sunday 30 October 2011

The Big Blue Army at work

Thank you to the 42,000 people that called for a network of large marine sanctuaries in Australia’s South West during the recent consultation period. This is the highest number of submissions ever sent to a government process on a conservation issue in Australia.
This also represents an enormous community backlash against totally inadequate marine sanctuaries proposed by Environment Minister Tony Burke in May this year. With 8 out of 10 hotspots for South West marine life left unprotected by this original proposal, we would expect some dramatic changes to the final sanctuaries being decided upon around November 2011.
These new sanctuaries should deliver what science says is needed – not what fishing and oil industries may want. However we are concerned that these vested interests will be working to undermine the overwhelming call from the community for protection.
To ensure that proper protection is delivered we will have to remain vigilant and we will need your help.
Join the Big Blue Army and we’ll keep you informed of developments in the run up to the final decision in a few months time.

According to a Save Our Marine Life email  only 112 submissions were received opposing this West  Australia marine reserve network

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