
Monday 3 October 2011

Clarence By-election: Nat's preselection candidate Williamson rapidly losing fans

Today's episode in the Nats' pre-selection skirmish in Clarence has been given a bit more heat, thanks to a contributor's letter to the editor of The Daily Examiner.

Be warned

Unsurprisingly, the Valley's serial claim jumper has put his name up for National Party pre-selection for the seat of Clarence.
I was more than a little surprised when I first heard of his move for the following reason.
Shortly before the March election, Mr Williamson phoned me, and the main purpose of his call seemed to be to win me over to his and his supporting team's belief that the next New South Wales government could very well be controlled by a party of independents that included himself. He assured me that he was a dedicated independent who could never be tied to a particular party's dogma. He also divulged that contact had been established with other candidates statewide and that there was growing confidence that they could pull it off. They were never going to, of course.
Anyway, be warned. There's now a cuckoo flying around looking for a spare nest. Let it settle at your peril.
Thomas Macindoe, Yamba

Source: Letters, The Daily Examiner, 3/10/11

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