
Monday 24 October 2011

Ellem calls for support of local abattoir workers

NSW Country Labor website in October 2011:

“Country Labor candidate for the Clarence by-election, Peter Ellem today expressed his concern for up to 200 local abattoir workers set to lose their jobs – and called on the Liberal State Government to invest in the region to support local jobs.

"This is devastating news for the South Grafton Abattoir workforce – many of whom have mortgages to pay and families to look after," Mr Ellem said.

"While I understand some of the workers may be able to work in Casino, we need to ensure all affected workers are given immediate support and assistance.

"The O'Farrell Stoner Government needs to immediately act to ensure these hardworking people are not cast adrift in the lead up to Christmas.

"The loss of up to 200 jobs at the South Grafton abattoir comes on top of news that the unemployment rate for Northern NSW has risen from 6 per cent to 6.3 per cent in August alone.

"I'm calling on the O'Farrell Stoner Government to immediately pump support services into Grafton to help these workers and their families get back on their feet.

"It is absolutely vital we respond quickly to these job losses - the Government must intervene and provide training, financial advice and support services to these workers right away."

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