
Wednesday 26 October 2011

Gulaptis attempts to ride on someone else's coat tails

In 2009 a Labor NSW Government
announced the creation of the $35 million Community Building Partnership Program.
In 2010 funding for the program was increased to $58.4 million.

On 26 March 2011 the O’Farrell Coalition Government was elected and in its first budget it reduced the Community Building Partnership to $35 million spread over two years, with only $11 million available in the 2011-12 funding round.

In October 2011 the Nationals candidate in the Clarence by-election was seeking to make political capital out of this same program:

Nationals Candidate for Clarence Chris Gulaptis today urged organisations to apply for the 2011 Community Building Partnership program before applications close in a fortnight.
Mr Gulaptis said applications for the CBP Program close on Monday 31 October.
“The Community Building Partnerships are vital for moving local projects forward and upgrading essential services,” Mr Gulaptis said.
“It’s important to get the word out about these opportunities for our electorate, especially during this short period where we do not have a local member.
“The deadline is fast approaching, so I would encourage those organisations yet to apply for this important program to make sure they meet the deadline.
“Projects deemed eligible inject will jobs into the region - and boost community participation in a range of programs and facilities.
“Successful applicants must be ready to start work by mid-2012 and projects need to be completed by the end of June 2013.
“As part of the initiative, $300,000 is available for each electoral district with an additional $100,000 available for the 48 electorates with higher levels of unemployment, of which Clarence is included.
“The successful projects in Clarence will be announced by the Premier in March,” Mr Gulaptis said.
Applications can be made online at

MEDIA: Chris Gulaptis 0400 016 590

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