
Saturday 29 October 2011

Moggy Musings [Archived material from Boy the Wonder Cat]

A Will he or won't he, does he or doesn't he? musing: Here on the NSW North Coast everyone's been waiting to see who, if anybody, the ALP puts up at the Clarence By-election. Peter Ellem has put his name forward. Now I'm told Pete's a nice guy - but we moggies need to know if he likes cats before we can give Teh Paw of Approval. :-D

A Do you want fries with that? musing: McDonald's Australia serves up used condom to toddler.

A political il regrette musing: It must be ever so galling for the NSW O'Farrell Government to realise that if the then Nats MP for Clarence Steve Cansdell had not been so frightened of facing Mayor Richie Williamson at the March 2011 state election and, made a panic-driven decision or two, then the MP's falisfying of a 2005 statutory declaration would not have become public knowledge or be currently under investigation. BOF has his first real scandal since coming to government because a North Coast MP in a safe seat couldn't hold his nerve.

A you heard it here first musing: Clarence Valley politics shock announcement

An It's all about the numbers musing: My little canine friend, Veronica Lake, tells me that all the goggies she knows are running the numbers on former Nats MP for Clarence Steve Cansdell whenever they meet on street corners. They reckon he might have resigned before being publicly discovered to save his $80,000 or so per annum pension; reported himself to police to get a 25% discount on any sentence he might possibly receive if the matter of falsifying a stat dec ever went to court; announced both actions on a Friday to limit the amount of immediate media coverage in the hope of taking some of the heat out of the disclosure that it was allegedly a staff member he persuaded to lie for him; and continues to hope that nobody adds 1+1 and suggests that the former staffer whom the newspapers say was going to report the matter is the same staffer who lied for him in 2005 and the very same who is alleging that he abused his parliamentary allowance/s. Ah, ain't rumour mills grand?

An eating at McDonalds kills musing: An 80-year-old woman pulled from the bathroom of a Pooler McDonald's Wednesday died early Thursday morning at Memorial University Medical Center, according to Pooler Fire Chief Wade Simmons. Anne Felton, of Ponte Vedra, Fla., died after being exposed to fumes. Carol Barry, a 56-year-old Jacksonville, Fla. resident, remained hospitalized Thursday. She was listed in good condition at Memorial University Medical Center. Nine people were sent to the hospital with difficulty breathing after inhaling fumes in the McDonald's, located off U.S. 80 near Interstate 95. according to The Savannah Morning News report on 9September 2011.

A moving forward musing: Which North Coast developer, infamous for allegedly removing records from a company's registered office in order to avoid lawful scrutiny by an investigative reporter, has convinced one acting local government general manager to report specific council conduct to ICAC as the developer himself prepares to stand at the next local government elections? Rumour around the catnip patch is that he sees this as clearing the decks of any opposition to future expansion plans.

An Is it political payback? musing: At the last NSW state election Clarence Valley Mayor Richie Williamson ran against seating Clarence Nats MP Steve Cansdell. It was an edgy contest conducted via the media. Now it seems that while other Nats & Libs had publicized the NSW Police short resources audit period and openly encouraged constituents to participate, Cansdell neglected to spread the news or to inform remind nudge Clarence Valley Council about this audit. Then he went to the media to complain that council was tardy in putting in a submission to this audit. There's a decided scent of payback in the air.

A speak to the hand musing: Mata Hari, the slinky oriental cat who lives on Yamba Road, tells me that Clarence MP Steve Cansdell is finding it hard going being a member of government. She heard that he can't get the ear of his minsters when he needs to - that NSW Health Minister Skinner in particular fobs him off on advisors every chance she gets. Wonder how he's doing with the Police Minister?

1 comment:

  1. I do believe there is an opening for another high profile independent.


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