
Monday 31 October 2011

A Moment in the Clarence By-election

In the March 2011 News South Wales general election Labor experienced a two party preferred -19.3% swing with a corresponding swing to the Nationals of +19.3%, resulting in a resounding win for the Nationals sitting member in the Clarence electorate.
As it turned out the champagne bubbles flattened quickly and the Nats had less than six months to bask in the glow of this result before Steve Cansdell’s past caught up with him and the seat fell vacant.
Still, you could be forgiven for thinking that the by-election this November is going to be a shoe-in for the North Coast Nats.
That is until you look at who they chose to represent the party – Chris Gulaptis.
Not only does he have a local government history which makes the average punter recall the less flattering aspects of his character, he is also so gaffe prone that most of his early campaigning has him bragging about funding commitments which don’t exist.
This has clearly spooked the party because they now appear to be trying to position him for the sympathy vote and are predicting an as yet unqualified swing against their candidate.
NSW Deputy Premier, Nationals Leader and Oxley MP, Andrew Stoner, in damage limitation mode went to the media with this statement:
Poor Andy can have no idea how few people look forward to the idea of Chris turning up on their doorstop or how deep they'll have to dig to find a skerrick of sympathy for this ever opportunistic bloke.

Pic of Chris Gulaptis from The Daily Examiner

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