
Thursday 20 October 2011

Please, in case I forget, remind me NEVER to contact this North Coast solicitor

The solicitor for the Ramsey Group of companies is reported to have said:
"Whilst the move from Grafton is regretted, and not the preferred option by the Ramsey Group, it appeared inevitable certain Government Departments were single minded in their efforts to achieve the closing of the abattoir business at Grafton."

Fair dinkum! So, it's government departments that are responsible for the predicament employees of Stuart Ramsey or whatever shonky bodgey employment mobs that have been orchestrated to be the workers' employer should carry the can, is it?
 The solicitor representing Ramsey is, among other things, the chairman of the board of the major local private hospital in the Richmond valley.

Credit: The Daily Examiner, 21/10/11

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