
Monday 14 November 2011

The Greens zero in on Hapless Gulaptis

You’ve gotta enjoy the way Gulaptis’ chicken words quickly come home to roost after they fly from his mouth. Here are The Greens taking him to task in his self-appointed role of the defender of mainstream values against those dastardly interest groups in "
We all benefit from the achievements of 'noisy' minorities":

Chris Gulaptis appears to have a problem with 'noisy' minorities.

Some of the achievements of noisy minorities:

• voting rights for women
• the end of child labour in the U.K.
• the end of open slavery
• the protection of the Franklin River
• the end of cigarette advertising in the media

Do you belong to a noisy minority?

If a state election was held today the Nationals would gain 6% of the state's primary vote. The Greens would gain 14%. (Latest Newspoll- The Australian, November 10)

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