
Saturday 19 November 2011

Gulaptis becomes new Clarence MP

The National Party’s Chris Gulaptis is the new Member of Parliament for the Clarence Electorate until 2015 and, on his past history this tenure is likely to be one marked by discord between himself and local communities in the Clarence Valley - with the possibility of dissatisfaction also emerging on the Dorrigo Plateau and in the Casino district.

Overall at this election there appears to have been a -16.3% two candidate preferred swing against the Nationals and, according to Antony Green on paper Clarence is the 5th biggest by-election swing since the war. However, the outcome was never in doubt.

At close of counting tonight primary votes and 2CP votes for all 45 booths have been reported with the following results.

National Party result and swings by polling booths overleaf.

Image of lightning strikes over South Grafton on 12 November 2011 found at NBN News

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