
Friday 18 November 2011

Gulaptis on the campaign trail - but wait, there's more!

The Nationals candidate in the Clarence by-election, Chris Gulaptis, has escaped the reservation again with a message that The Cops are Coming and they will be on the beat by the end of the year.

Now the entire Clarence Valley is aware that ten more police are on their way there and Casino is hoping for three additional probationary constables, but Gulaptis is promising more, more, more!

Do we want 20, 30, 35+ extra officers? Just name the figure and Chris is apparently privately promising to deliver these coppers to our door.

It is almost certain that NSW Premier O’Farrell, Deputy Premier Stoner and Police Minister Gallacher are blissfully unaware of the actual size of the blue army they are expected to march north by Christmas.

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