
Tuesday 8 November 2011

Harman expresses the concerns of many in the Northern Rivers

Illegal logging
LOCAL environmentalists are disappointed with the small fines Forests NSW received for illegally logging 15ha of endangered lowland rainforest in Grange SF near Jackadgery. Lowland rainforest is an endangered ecological environment (EEC) that is excluded from Forests NSW harvesting operations. EECs are protected by the National Parks and Wildlife Act.
Under sections 118A and 118D of the Act, it is an offence to pick or harm endangered ecological communities; the maximum penalty is $220,000 and up to two years jail, with a further $11,000 for each plant illegally logged, picked, bulldozed out of the ground, trampled or squashed.
Environmentalists are concerned forest regulator, the Office of Environment and Heritage (OEH) may not have found the 15ha area of rainforest that was trashed because the two small fines issued were for offences in other forest compartments. OEH do not have the staff with the requisite skills to identify EECs.
The Clarence Environment Centre offered to show OEH the compartment in question but OEH declined the offer. The value of the illegally harvested trees far outweighs the fines imposed on FNSW.
OEH minister Robyn Parker and OEH CEO Lisa Corbyn owe the people of NSW an explanation. Why is Forests NSW not subject to the full force of the law? Does Chris Gulaptis, the National Party candidate for the seat of Clarence, support Robyn Parker's lazy approach to Forests NSW harvesting operations?
In the last two years Forest NSW has been found to have breached the integrated forestry operations approval at Yabbra SF, Girard SF, Doubleduke SF, Grange SF and Wedding Bells SF.
In June 2011 Justice Pepper of the NSW Land and Environment Court commented that FNSW operations suggests either a pattern of continuing disobedience in respect of environmental laws generally or, at the very least, a cavalier attitude to compliance with such laws .
(The Daily Examiner letter to the editor on November 5, 2011)

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