
Monday 14 November 2011

Historic Casino Post Office has been placed on the Commonwealth Heritage List

Photo of Janelle Saffin MP talking to Postal Service officer, Sherrie McGrath outside Casino Post Office

Page MP Janelle Saffin has welcomed the announcement that the historic Casino Post Office has been placed on the Commonwealth Heritage List.

Ms Saffin said it is wonderful that the Post Office has been recognised for its significant heritage values.

“This heritage listing will mean increased protection for the Casino Post Office.

“From when it was built in 1879, the post office has played a central role in the development of communication services in Casino and the broader Upper Richmond River district.

“Casino Post Office was designed as a modest regional post office, with combined post and telegraph office and residence. The complex was enlarged in 1915 and again in 1975 to accommodate an increased volume of work and a larger residence.

“It is an uncommon and distinctive building and architecturally it is a fine example of hybrid Victorian Italianate and Colonial Regency Revival styles.

“The announcement of Casino Post Office being added to the Commonwealth Heritage List means national recognition for this significant community icon,” Ms Saffin said.

“Casino’s Central Business District already boasts one of the best collections of art deco buildings in Australia and the addition of the Post Office building to the Commonwealth Heritage Listing adds to Casino’s reputation as a town of significant heritage value.

“There is great potential for these local heritage sites to become more of a tourism draw card.

“When I spoke to people in the streets of Casino today about the new listing, they were very pleased with the news, and rightly proud of their town’s historic streetscape,” Ms Saffin said.

Minister for Sustainability, Tony Burke, has announced the inclusion of 43 post offices from around Australia on the Commonwealth Heritage List.   

Janelle Saffin MP for Page, Media Release, 8 November, 2011 

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