
Friday 4 November 2011

I'm the 75,260,954,420th* person ever born on Earth and I'm peeved because.....

Garden weeds
don’t respond to verbal threats but require a show of strength

My bank balance refuses to grow during the night

The Tooth Fairy doesn’t pay out on broken fillings

Aussie kids are into professional begging on All Hallows Eve

Cardinal George Pell thinks religion trumps science

Australian Leader of the Opposition Tony Abbott won’t shut his mouth for even a nanosecond

Journalist Andrew Bolt hasn’t migrated yet

NSW Premier Barry O’Farrell is

NSW Environment Minster Robyn Parker refuses to resign

NSW Police still haven’t charged admitted law breaker Steve Cansdell

Every time some silly bugger doesn't like what the Gillard Government is doing they yell "Tax!"

Too many pollies resign after an election because they don't want to do the hard slog in Opposition

There are people who'll vote for the NSW Shooters and Fishers Party

Australian multinational corporations still haven’t learned that foreign CEOs like Alan Joyce have no understanding of the national psyche

North Coast Nats’ Chris Gulaptis doesn’t know where to find a definition of “truth in advertising” or “political honesty”

NSW Country Labor’s Peter Ellem is dancing around the subject of antimony mining on the NSW North Coast

NSW Christian Democratic Party’s Bethany Camac thinks it’s fine to insult some of the very people she supposedly wants to represent


The ute won’t start

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