
Thursday 10 November 2011

Murdoch press tries to make Australia believe it has been in the grip of a gimme culture since 2007

With predictable regularity the Murdoch media runs articles on the level of Centrelink welfare payments. This month it is the turn of The Telegraph with its erroneous headline Massive blow-out in dole queue above an article telling us that Centrelink "customers" have swollen to 7.1 million since 2007.

Now before anyone starts to feel that taxpayers are being overwhelmed by a gimme culture, it is highly likely that The Telegraph has lumped all payments sent out through Centrelink in this figure. Including payments for drought assistance, disaster relief, child care rebate, paid parental leave and Austudy to name a few.

When looking close to home, the combined resident population of the NSW North Coast and Mid-North Coast was an estimated 557,407 in 2010, according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics.

The unemployment rate on the North Coast in the March Quarter 2011 was 5.8% and the workforce participation rate was 55.3%. These rates indicate that there were less than 15,000 people out of work in thre first three months of the year.
The NSW unemployment rate was 4.8% and workforce participation rate was 64.2% over the same period. These percentages represent a distinct improvement.

Centrelink’s March 2011 quarterly report lists the main pensions, benefits and allowances paid in North Coast federal electorates:

Old Age Pension

Lyne 23,090
Cowper 20,474
Page 19,558
Richmond 15,880
Total  79,002

Carer Allowance

Cowper 5,220
Page 5,018
Lyne 5,102
Richmond 4,068
Total 19,408

Carer Payment

Cowper 2,306
Lyne 2,096
Page 2,031
Richmond 1,476
Total 7,909

Concession Cards

Lyne 2,280
Page 2,245
Richmond 2,137
Cowper 1,842
Total 8,504

Disability Support Pension

Cowper 9,383
Page 9,238
Richmond 8,069
Lyne 7,876
Total 34,566

Family Tax Benefit

Cowper 10,693
Page 10,264   
Richmond 10,066
Lyne 8,844
Total 39,867

Rent Assistance

Richmond 15,452
Cowper 14,143
Page 13,593
Lyne 12,200
Total 55,388

Wife’s Pension (Age)

Cowper 109
Lyne 107
Page 85
Richmond 62
Total 363

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