
Thursday 24 November 2011

New South Wales is not the only place struggling with the long-term consequences of mining

New Zealand contamination site centred on local public school in 2011
Click on image to enlarge

The Macleay River on the NSW North Coast is contaminated by antimony mining toxic by-products for millennia to come and, the Nymboida River sub-catchment of the wider Clarence River catchment is at risk from proposed antimony and gold mining accompanied by ore processing.

Yet the NSW Nationals MP for Clarence, ‘Steve’ Gulaptis, the Federal Nationals MP for Cowper, Luke Hartsuyker, and fellow-traveller, Clarence Valley Mayor Richie Williamson, offer nothing but motherhood statements or prate on about a limited number of short-term jobs generated by foreign-owned multinationals unlikely to pay more than a pittance in tax and repatriate significant profits to head offices overseas.

Just to remind our elected representatives in all three tiers of government that mercury and arsenic have consequences, here is a media report from New Zealand this month as one small community struggles with the reality of soil contamination from arsenic laden mine tailings dumped during the last century:

The Ministry of Health advises Moanataiari residents to:
- Take care with personal hygiene (i.e. hand washing after handling soil);
- Make sure children don't eat or play in soil;
- Remove footwear before going indoors to avoid carrying soil dust indoors - particularly for households with very young children;
- Cover soil (e.g. grassing, paving, gravel) to reduce dust and direct access by young children;
- Not to eat home grown fruit and vegetables, especially young children, until further quantification of the contamination is available and the risk can be assessed, unless it is known that the garden soil is clean fill. If you choose to eat home grown fruit and vegetables, then thoroughly wash produce that may be contaminated with soil, and peel the skin off root vegetables;
- Don't be concerned about the drinking water supply, it is separate (and safe);
- As always, if unwell for any reason, see your doctor.

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