
Tuesday 15 November 2011

NSW North Coast community workers closer to equal pay

Page community service workers closer to equal pay
Federal Member for Page, Janelle Saffin, said an estimated 2000 community service workers in the Northern Rivers are a step closer to achieving equal pay following the Australian Government’s announcement that it will provide $2 billion to help deliver any pay rises awarded to workers in the sector.
“These workers have incredibly challenging but personally rewarding jobs, caring for people with disabilities, counselling families in crisis, running homeless shelters and working with victims of domestic or sexual assault,” Ms Saffin said.  
“We all acknowledge the value of their roles, and it is time to pay more than lip service to this, and fund their work based on fairness.  In short, give these workers a fair go."
“This historic commitment from the Government will help 150,000 Australians, including 120,000 women; achieve the equal pay they deserve.”
Australia has undervalued workers in the social and community services sector-because their work has been viewed as women’s work and Fair Work Australia acknowledged the gender gap in the industry pay rates in part of its judgement handed down earlier this year.
“Plainly it is wrong that full time working women earn on average one fifth less than men.
“It was the Australian Labor Government that changed the Fair Work Act and broadened the equal pay provisions so that the Australian Services Union could mount the pay equity case. 
“As a long time advocate of equal pay for women and low paid workers, I have stood with local ASU members at equal pay rallies, and told them I was committed to both winning the pay equity and most importantly, winning the funds to flow for such. 
ASU State Secretary, Sally McManus thanked Janelle for her support.
“We’ve been fighting for this for years and we applaud the Government’s decision.
“Janelle has always been fighting on our side for this and she’s been part of making this happen and for that we are eternally grateful,” Ms McManus said.
Prime Minister Julia Gillard has announced that the Government will submit a joint proposal with the Australian Services Union to Fair Work Australia which, if accepted, will fund the Federal Government’s share of wage increases for workers in the sector.
The Government will be encouraging major providers in the sector as well as other unions and state governments to join its submission.
Ms Saffin said if the Government’s submission is supported by FWA it will mean fair pay and thousands of dollars extra in the pay packets for community sector workers and their families.
“”The increases will vary across jobs and classifications, but are expected to be around 7 to 15 percent.
 “For example, a disability support worker at classification level two could receive an extra $7000 a year, or a level six youth outreach worker could receive an extra $18, 000,” Ms Saffin said.
“As the Prime Minister said, this is an  historic announcement  for social and community sector workers and something only a Labor Government will deliver.’

11 November 2011
Media contact:  Lee Duncan 0448 158 150

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