
Thursday 10 November 2011

What a Political Whopper!

Has to be the biggest political whopper so far in the battle for the seat of Clarence, and I don’t mean from the pen of Bill O‘Donnell……..

“NATIONAL Party candidate for the Clarence by-election Chris Gulaptis has described as "lies" claims he had ever sought preselection for the Labor party.”
Oh, and the way I’ve always heard it from political insiders over the years, it was Chris who approached the ALP not the other way round as he is now claiming.
Gall-aptis also forgets that the truth has been out there on Teh Intenetz, reading to haunt him:

THERE is an old Turkish saying that goes something like this: "If you don't tell the truth make sure you have one foot in the stirrups."
The level of fiction in the Chris Gulaptis letter (DE March 22) almost guarantees he'll shortly be in the market for a good horse.
Probably about the time Janelle Saffin, and not Steve Cansdell, delivers on Grafton Base Hospital.
But it's the last paragraph of his letter that really should have Chris Gulaptis galloping off into the sunset.
He's on pretty shaky ground when he starts accusing people of being something they are not.
I've been around the Labor Party a long time and I wouldn't know Craig Howe if I fell over him.
The Gulaptis story, however, is a little different. His claim to be National Party first, last and foremost is a road to Damascus conversion and came after he couldn't get what he wanted from the ALP.
He shed plenty of sweat chasing a position with Labor, right down to travelling to Sydney to meet with the then NSW general secretary, Mark Arbib, former minister Harry Woods and Harry's chief of staff Mike Fleming.
His comment that Steve Cansdell won seven primary votes to every one of Craig Howe's only proves he knows how to use a calculator.
The fact that Janelle Saffin is now in Federal Parliament proves that what the ALP thought of Chris Gulaptis was spot on.
Terry Flanagan
Orara Way

Much better to stick with the uncomfortabe truth, Chris. You should recall from 2007 that we all have long memories of the incredible length to which your nose can grow.

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