
Thursday 3 November 2011

When even your fearless leader can't get your name right.....

barryofarrell Barry O'Farrell
off to catch a flight to Grafton to support The Nationals' Chris Galuptis in this Clarence month's by-election

Oi Bazza! It’s Gulaptis. G*U*L*A*P*T*I*S
Or as many locals like to fondly call him; Halpless Gulaptis, Galapagos, Gulapticus, Gulapaduck, Gall-aptis, Batman or Chris Corruptus.

# A chapeau lift to Clarencegirl for sending me this tweet.


  1. “Mr O'Farrell laughed off the spelling gaffe, saying it was probably auto-correct that resulted in Mr Gulaptis' name being spelt wrong.” says a Clarence Valley newspaper.
    Auto-correct on Twitter, Bazza? Auto-correct? ROFLOL

  2. Twitter on an iPhone. iPhone has autocorrect. Get real mate!

  3. Ah, but in his very next tweet (and after he probably read a tweet about his gaffe) he used the correct spelling.
    So auto correct wasn't a factor.


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