
Tuesday 20 December 2011

Kyogle Council directs CSG miners to far queue

Kyogle Council has followed Lismore Council and imposed a ban on any seismic testing, exploration drilling or other road reserve disturbance by the CSG Industry on Council owned infrastructure or infrastructure under Kyogle Council control.

Council's meeting on Monday night further resolved to inform the CSG industry and the NSW State Government that the moratorium will remain in place until its previous recommendations have been satisfactorily addressed.

On 18 April 2011 Council resolved:

That Council write to the State government to call for a moratorium on CSG drilling until such times as the impact of CSG on water supplies, the environment and personal property and amenity is understood through independent research, funded by government, is carried out.

On 12 September 2011 Council resolved:

That Council addresses the Parliamentary Inquiry taking the positions outlined below:
1. That Council re-confirms its request to the State Government for a moratorium on CSG drilling (not just the issue of licences) until such time as the impact of CSG on water supplies, the environment and personal property and amenity is understood through independent research, funded by government, is carried out.
2. That Council advises the Parliamentary Inquiry that it supports the many genuine concerns of a large proportion of its community with regards to the Coal Seam gas Industry and the proposed pipeline along the Lions Road and their potential impacts on our Council area. In particular we note the potential for adverse impact on the headwaters of the Richmond River from which a majority of our community depends upon for human use, irrigation and stock use.
3. That Council advises the Parliamentary Inquiry that the Coal Seam Gas Industry should be subject to the same process as any other development; that is via a comprehensive EIS which addresses all the issues, provides for Community input and places the onus on the industry to provide scientific proof of the safety aspects. Not the reverse as recently suggested by the Minister.
4. That Council provides a further written submission to the Parliamentary Inquiry which outlines in more detail the community concerns as expressed in resolution no. 2.

That Council write to Tony Windsor MP expressing concerns with Coal Seam Gas explorations, and advise that Council supports him in presenting his private members bill to the Federal Parliament.

On 28 November 2011 Council resolved:

That Council approaches NSW State Government in relation to the Environmental Impact Statement from Metgasco on the proposed pipeline over the Lions Road, seeking assurance that Council will be involved in the process and be allowed to have input.

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