
Friday 27 January 2012

NSW Police, Steve Cansdell and those intriguing "technical legal issues"

The Daily Examiner 25 January 2012:

It is over four months since disgraced former Nationals MP Steve Cansdell admitted breaking the law in order to have a “clean slate” in the lead up to the 2006 state election; the Clarence by-election is over and the new Nationals MP for Clarence Chris Gulaptis is safely sworn-in.

Now NSW Police raise the possibility of "technical legal issues" further delaying the day Cansdell faces court.

A term which perhaps hints at overlapping jurisdictions because of a complaint/s to the NSW Independent Commission Against Corruption concerning Steve Cansdell's time in Parliament.

One has to hope that these technical legal issues are genuinely the delaying impediment that has been implied, or NSW Police will lose all credibility and be seen as mere puppets of an O’Farrell Government determined to bury Cansdell's actions under a mountain of spin until time past sees the matter fade from memory.

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