
Thursday 19 January 2012

Quote of the Week - Censure

From the pen of Ben Pobjie writing for The Drum on 18 January 2012:

Firstly, 2012 will be a big year for censure motions. Tony Abbott, plucky little clam that he is, showed his skill for censure motions last year, living up to the liberal ideal that a democracy cannot function without a strong, effective opposition to make pointless gestures. And this year will continue and intensify this trend, with Abbott promising an innovative censure-heavy schedule, with censure motions planned not just for times that Parliament is sitting, but also in government press conferences, state visits from foreign dignitaries, and if possible, while the Prime Minister is in the shower. Abbott's pledge to the Australian people is simply this: wherever there is injustice, waste, or a camera, there will he be also, popping around corners or out of bushes to move a censure motion.

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