
Sunday 19 February 2012

70th Anniversary of the Bombing of Darwin 1942 - revisionism run wild

Let’s get real folks – all these glowing media reports on the 70th anniversary of the first Japanese bombing of Darwin are so distorted that they bear little relation to the 1942 reality.
Yes, there was an attempt to defend this northern city and some of it could be described as ranging from brave to heroic. Yes, the entire subject was censored at the time and not all eyewitness records are in the same place.
BUT. The was also widespread NT Government, civilian, Australian and American defence forces panic, with a good many fleeing without authorisation to the Adelaide River (some servicemen getting as far as southern cities) in a rout wryly described at the time as The Adelaide River Stakes.
There was looting by civilians and servicemen and in at least one case a cruelly racist response to Aboriginal casualties.
So let’s be adult about this and truly Aussie on the first national day of observance – reject the historical revisionism currently doing the rounds in the meeja.
You can start with
Charlie Lowe's March 1942 first report in the official investigation and go on from there.

Pic from ABC News

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