
Thursday 23 February 2012

The Age online poll: Has Kevin Rudd done the right thing?

Yesterday Australia’s Minister for Foreign Affairs resigned. Prime Minister Julia Gillard is expected to announce a leadership spill this morning.

The Age asks the question Has Kevin Rudd done the right thing? and so far over 46,000 people reply in the affirmative.


  1. Kevin has the right policies but is crap at politics. Julia's got the politics down but has no policies of her own. Either one is a dud on their own - they need to work with each other.

    The only way out of this mess is for Rudd not to challenge, Gillard defeats challenges from Crean & Arbib and fires them and the other faceless men, and Rudd rejoins her cabinet. Then they become Best Friends Forever and kick Abbott's butt riding on unicorns. Stupid Labor party.

  2. Labour party, this is consequences of brutal killing of Kevin. You reap what you sow and deserve to go down. labour


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