
Wednesday 29 February 2012

NSW Parliament 2012: The Ghost Who Votes

When political tragics in the NSW state electorate of Clarence started to call the new member of parliament ‘Steve’ Gulaptis MP (because there appeared to be less than a finger width difference between disgraced former Nationals MP Steve Cansdell and his replacement Nationals MP Chris Gulaptis) it was a bit of an ‘in’ joke which grew organically on Google.

However, the joke seems to be on the O’Farrell Government for the identity confusion has spread farther than expected.

Although Cansdell resigned in September 2011 and, is awaiting the outcome of a police investigation into his own actions, he is still voting in the NSW Legislative Assembly in 2012 according to Hansard in proof edition on 22 & 23 February.

I understand that now the joke is very public there is a bit of a scramble to correct the record to show that it was actually parliamentary novice Gulaptis who was voting. However, these snapshots preserve The Ghost Who Votes for posterity.

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