
Friday 17 February 2012

Page MP Janelle Saffin hosts local National Disability Insurance Scheme forums in Grafton and Casino, 21 February 2012

Page MP Janelle Saffin has organised two National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) forums to be held in Grafton and Casino next week.

“I have said that I will keep the community informed on the progress of the NDIS and I am delighted that the Parliamentary Secretary for Disabilities and Carers, Senator Jan McLucas has agreed to come to Page to deliver the forums with me.

“The National Disability Insurance Scheme for Australia is a fundamental reform to how we respond to and provide care and services to people.”

“An NDIS means people with a disability and their carers having a say in how they are supported; it means making sure support reaches those who need it, and it means breaking down barriers to schooling, work and community life.

“I encourage as many organisations; people with disabilities; carers and friends of those with disabilities, to attend either of these important information sessions.”

“I know how important it is for local people that we get on with the job of building the NDIS and the forums will provide an opportunity for local people to stay informed about how the Australian Government is working with the States and Territories to push these reforms through.

“Many key local organisations have been working with me to make sure we had these forums here, including DAISI, and disability service providers Caringa Enterprises and Windara, RED Inc and others, and I thank them for their support,” Ms Saffin said.

The forums will take place next Tuesday 21 February 2012. The Grafton forum is at 10.30 at Caringa Enterprises and the Casino Forum is at 2.30 pm at Windara Communities.

Both venues have full access and if you would like to attend please contact Matt Dunne at Ms. Saffin’s electorate office on 1300 301 735 for further details. Bookings are essential.

[Janelle Saffin MP Media Release, 16 February 2102]

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