
Saturday 24 March 2012

Let's put Lindsay on the front page

This morning while yarning with a couple of mates outside the paper shop Tweedy, who was/is an avid reader of the Tweed Daily (warning: don't ask him what he thinks about APN's decision to virtually take his favourite read out of circulation - it's no longer a daily, hence the website's title), remarked about a letter in today's edition of his paper. Read the letter below.

Lindsay yet to make front page

I was having a cold ale with an old bloke who's 87 (don't worry Lindsay, I won't mention your name) when a friend on his way out tapped Lindsay on the shoulder and said "Be good." Lindsay muttered under his breath, "If I could be bad, I would want it on the front page of the Daily News".

George Kelly, Terranora

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