
Sunday 22 April 2012

Dodgy $20 notes doing the rounds in Lismore area

NSW Police Force media release 22nd  April 2012

“Detectives on the state’s north coast are conducting inquiries after a number of fake $20 notes were found in circulation in the Lismore area.
A number of business owners contacted local police on Friday (20 April 2012) after the counterfeit notes were used to pay for good and services.
The phony cash was detected by staff at a Lismore kebab shop, pub, convenience store and fast food restaurant, and by two taxi drivers.
Detectives have launched an investigation in a bid to identify who’s responsible for producing them.
The counterfeit notes, totalling $240, have also been seized for forensic examination.
Richmond LAC Duty Officer, Inspector Robert Cairnduff, warned local residents and business owners to be on the lookout for the notes.
“I would encourage everyone to be extra vigilant when handling their money and if you do notice something odd or that doesn’t look quite right, please contact us immediately,” Insp Cairnduff said.
“The counterfeit notes that we have seized are not of great quality; however, in poor light or to the unsuspecting eye they could quite possibly be passed off as the real thing,” he said.
Inquiries by local detectives are ongoing.
Anyone with information that might assist investigators is urged to contact Lismore Police Station or Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.”

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