
Thursday 5 April 2012

Melbourne and Monash university academics help Journal of Medical Ethics create the perfect storm

Ethics debates often go where angels fear to tread in order to define the range of moral dilemmas and this appears to be one sensitive example.

Abortion is largely accepted even for reasons that do not have anything to do with the fetus' health. By showing that (1) both fetuses and newborns do not have the same moral status as actual persons, (2) the fact that both are potential persons is morally irrelevant and (3) adoption is not always in the best interest of actual people, the authors argue that what we call ‘after-birth abortion’ (killing a newborn) should be permissible in all the cases where abortion is, including cases where the newborn is not disabled.
Full article After-birth abortion: why should the baby live? at the Journal of Medical Ethics (JME)  on February 23, 2012.
Responses to this JME article published online:

My opinion on controversial paper published about infanticide
Manuel Menes
J Med Ethics published online March 28, 2012
Response to After-birth abortion: why should the baby live?
Philip Dawson
J Med Ethics published online March 27, 2012
Singering from the same hymn sheet... [CORRECTED VERSION]
Matthew J Wilson
J Med Ethics published online March 27, 2012
Six propositions on end-of-life decisions in neonatology
Sofia Moratti
J Med Ethics published online March 26, 2012
After- birth abortion and infanticide: the controversy lingers on
Robert Kar Ngai Yuen
J Med Ethics published online March 26, 2012
Re:After-birth abortion: why should the baby live? An Answer
Elvira Parravicini,
Federica Fromm, Giuseppe Paterlini, Patrizia Vergani
J Med Ethics published online March 19, 2012
A human being's right to live is a moral axiom
Agata Mizerska
J Med Ethics published online March 16, 2012
Re:Awkward Truths Should Make People Re-evaluate Routine Practice
Coral D Carmichael
J Med Ethics published online March 16, 2012
After-birth abortion: why should the baby live? An Answer
Dina Nerozzi
J Med Ethics published online March 16, 2012
Re:A response to 'After-birth abortion: why should the baby live?
Maria Gabriella Gatti
J Med Ethics published online March 14, 2012
Consistency Required
Cadi S Palmer
J Med Ethics published online March 14, 2012
Slippery Slope Slipped Upon
Mel Beckman
J Med Ethics published online March 14, 2012
Accepting Infanticide
Ellen Simoni
J Med Ethics published online March 14, 2012
Defining a person is morally crucial
Andrew R Cress
J Med Ethics published online March 14, 2012
After birth abortion
Fiona E Beavan
J Med Ethics published online March 14, 2012
Where there is no love...
Josephine M Treloar
J Med Ethics published online March 14, 2012
Newborns, really?
Christina C
J Med Ethics published online March 14, 2012
The fetus and the newborn, what is the difference.
Sheena L Queen
J Med Ethics published online March 14, 2012
What about the dad?
Nancy M Heitschmidt
J Med Ethics published online March 14, 2012
Re:Awkward Truths Should Make People Re-evaluate Routine Practice
Grzegorz Nowakowski
J Med Ethics published online March 14, 2012
Definition of terms
Randall L. Norstrem
J Med Ethics published online March 14, 2012
Can Moral Value Be Quantified?
J. O. Lay
J Med Ethics published online March 14, 2012
Adoption as a solution
Melanie M. Rudquist
J Med Ethics published online March 14, 2012
Competing interests and infanticide
Dirk C. Baltzly
J Med Ethics published online March 14, 2012
Re:Awkward Truths Should Make People Re-evaluate Routine Practice
maureen mckane
J Med Ethics published online March 14, 2012
Infanticide and termination - an inexorable progression of logic
charles soper
J Med Ethics published online March 14, 2012
A Modest Proposal
Bruce M Anderson
J Med Ethics published online March 14, 2012
Can after-birth abortion do harm?
Joshua P. Cohen
J Med Ethics published online March 14, 2012
Re:A response to 'After-birth abortion: why should the baby live?
Ronald E. Ledek
J Med Ethics published online March 14, 2012
Re:A response to 'After-birth abortion: why should the baby live?
Tom Koch
J Med Ethics published online March 14, 2012
A Modest Proposal
Alan W.H. Bates
J Med Ethics published online March 14, 2012
Re:A response to 'After-birth abortion: why should the baby live?
Tracey M Upchurch
J Med Ethics published online March 14, 2012
The fallacious argument of 'After-birth abortion: why should the baby live?'
Martin Rhonheimer
J Med Ethics published online March 14, 2012
A response to 'After-birth abortion: why should the baby live?
David J Pohlmann
J Med Ethics published online March 5, 2012
Awkward Truths Should Make People Re-evaluate Routine Practice
Tim M Reynolds
J Med Ethics published online March 2, 2012

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