
Monday 21 May 2012

James Ashby sends it all to Twitter and Scribd

#slipper Ashby Statement coming shortly #auspol
7:03 PM - 17 May 12 via Tweetbot for iOS · Embed this Tweet

It would appear that Twitter and Scribd are being used to bypass the mainstream media in all matters pertaining to James Ashby v Commonwealth of Australia & Anor.
Letter to AHRC Re Bob Carr and Barnaby Joyce Sent 17 May 2012
Who is this spinmeister? According to The Power Index it is:
Anthony McClellan – Managing director, AMC Media
The former 60 Minutes veteran is now one of the most respected crisis management specialists in the country. Tough and competitive, McClellan represented Kristy Fraser-Kirk in her legal battle with David Jones and mine managers during the rescue operation at Beaconsfield.

1 comment:

  1. Oh the irony
    1. Create media firestorm
    2. Blame said firestorm for not following procedure.
    3. When motive questioned refer point 1.


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