
Thursday 24 May 2012

U.S. Presidential Election 2012: Down and dirty in Romneyville

Although Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney is publicly disavowing the 'battle plan' of the GOP-aligned super PAC, one gets the general impression that this tactic to smear Obama during the Carolina Democratic Convention being held 3-7 September 2012 falls well within the campaign strategy of the Romney camp.

Expect to see a significant Internet and social media presence by this pac then - starting with teasers hinting of dark clouds to come before a dénouement concerning the metrosexual black Abe Lincoln Barack Obama's past association with the African-American preacher Rev. Jeremiah Wright.

Wright was used as a character attack issue in the previous election campaign which saw Obama become U.S. President.

Full transcript of the Hollywood-based Strategic Perception Inc plan here.

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