
Tuesday 19 June 2012

Coal seam gas industry's one man PR team

Adrian Nygaard aka Sealbasher & Rigpig

This Big Oil PR dynamo into red cars, guns and huntin’ gets a guernsey in The Daily Examiner on the 18th June 2012:
“HE'S not terribly worried about a locked gate - Adrian Nygaard has a gun.
At least that's what you might think if you'd been following some of Mr Nygaard's Facebook activity of late.
Mr Nygaard, who also goes by the name Seal Basher, has taken to the social network in support of the coal seam gas industry and has branded those opposed to the industry as brain dead oxygen thieves.
Alongside a photo of himself with a pistol aimed to the side of camera, Mr Nygaard wrote on Sunday: "You picked the wrong people to go to war with!!! LMFAO (laugh my f'ing a-off)".”
Having since pulled both the photo and the Coal Seam Gas Drilling Support page from Facebook, Adrian blames CSG protesters for causing him stress. But I have to wonder if what really made him fold the tent and slink away was this Facebook graph showing a growing lack of interest in what he and his mates had to say:

All we’re left with are little nuggets like this on his personal page:
August 15, 2010
Thank God for wars, arms build ups, industrial nations, planes trains and big ass automobiles. I love our hydrocarbon sucking world, it keeps my beloved oil and gas drilling industry going, and when our rigs are drilling, my garage gets more and more toys parked in it!! THANK YOU OIL BURNIN WORLD!! THANK YOU!


  1. if any of you knew him then you would take a hard long look at your selfs. the media has blown his personal life out of proportion

  2. 'Troll' Nygaard is known by the his own smartar$s ignorant words. The media didn't force him to type one single line of that hogwash.
    Arrow Energy (or whoever he now works for) must be proud of this yobbo.

  3. I back him 100%


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