
Friday 29 June 2012

Geoff Provest tells a monumental political whopper about Barry O'Robba's plan to fleece the poor

My Daily News on  20th June 2012:
"The Federal Labor Government is delivering a boost for pensioners to help them make ends meet, but Barry O'Farrell just wants take a slice of it for himself.
"It's greedy, it's grubby and it's wrong."
Mr Provest, a Nationals MP, has rejected the claims.
"Residents of public housing pay around 25% of their income on their rent and that is not going to change," Mr Provest said.
"In fact, because we know residents are going to do it tough under the Gillard/Elliot carbon tax, the lump sum carbon tax compensation payments have not been counted as income for rent purposes.”
This is what the NSW Minister for Family and Community Services Minister for Women Pru Goward said on the 14th June in a press release:
from March 2013 regular fortnightly carbon tax payments will be taken into account for the purposes of calculating heavily subsidised social housing rents.”
What makes it worse is that community housing tenants (who already pay more than 25% of their pension or benefits to their landlords) will also be fleeced of one quarter of the Commonwealth carbon price compensation – and community housing companies are probably the biggest social housing landlords on the NSW North Coast.
Provest has made a monumental fool of himself and shown the Nats up for the unrepentant liars that they are.

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