
Friday 1 June 2012

Oi, Barry O'Fibba! Keep those bloody guns out of our national parks, state conservation areas and nature reserves!

Fair dinkum – why is it that everyone who gains control of New South Wales turns into a power hungry, greedy nong of the first water?
O’Farrell, Stoner & Co. are all set to open our national parks, state conservation areas and nature reserves to recreational shooters.
Giving open slather to those very same eejits who upset the working dogs, scare the sheep, put holes in the water tank and don’t understand what line of sight is so there is a crazy crack in the kitchen window right where the wife was washing up at the time {and yes, all those things did happen}.
To make matters worse – he’s put Environment Minister Robyn Parker in charge. The minister who turns a blind eye on local illegal logging and antimony contamination of a major river.
Yes siree, these shooters are going to be well policed aren’t they?
And Mr. Gulaptis, I noticed your vote to stall debate on this big blunder.
Here’s what most people polled by Granny Herald think of that idea, Bazza.

So if you live on the NSW North Coast don’t go anywhere near at least 6 local areas marked out for shooters, including Yabbra, Richmond Range, Nightcap, Dorrigo, Gibraltar, Barrington Tops national parks, state conservation areas and nature reserves.
It won’t be bloody safe. Even if do you try using one of those useless North Coast Nats MPs as a body shield.

This is the man who heads the political party in the NSW Upper House that O'Fibba and his cronies are pandering to:
There's a good chance this elephant in the photo was a young female.

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