
Monday 11 June 2012

What Clarence Valley Council is considering without formal community consultation

Local government on the NSW North Coast is nothing if not predictable.

Clarence Valley Council at its 12 June 2012 Civil and Corporate Committee meeting will be considering these Yamba Road By-Pass options set out below.

Valley residents and ratepayers will note the lack of consultation with the Yamba community, concerning this piecemeal approach to both the original By-Pass Plan and the ongoing pressure of competing road uses on Yamba Road itself.

It is my understanding that the recent surveying of a prospective By-pass section and accompanying wildlife corridor assessment was done without most, if not all, Clarence Valley Shire councillors being aware that anything was afoot.

Having been caught out attempting to progress these by-pass changes under the radar, on 6 June 2012 Council management advertised a public workshop to inform councillors. To be held 65 kms distant from Yamba, a bare 90 minutes before the Civil and Corporate Committee meets and without the community being able to express an opinion!

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