
Friday 20 July 2012

Carbonageddon: nobody believes Tony


Stock and  Land on 16th July 2012:

VOTERS believe that the carbon tax will not be scrapped by a Coalition government despite Opposition Leader Tony Abbott's "pledge in blood" to move on his first day as prime minister to repeal it, private polling by the major parties has found.

Focus group research, which both major parties have conducted since the carbon tax started on July 1, has found that voters are highly sceptical that the tax will ever be dumped.

Details of the focus group research conducted by the Labor Party indicate that voters believe Mr Abbott's "blood pledge" is a political tactic and that he would find a reason to abandon it after he became prime minister, The Australian Financial Review reports.

Coalition sources confirm that Mr Abbott's pledge is doubted by voters who have become even more sceptical about promises made by political leaders in the wake of Labor's broken promises not to introduce a carbon tax. According to Labor sources, focus group participants believe overwhelmingly that once a new tax is in place it is there to stay.

When Mr Abbott's promise is put to them, typical responses are "he would say that, wouldn't he", "he's just saying that to win the election" and "when has a new tax ever been scrapped?"  

1 comment:

  1. Thanks. Australians are too complacent about what Tony Abbott could do to our way of life generally, the carbon tax and the environment aside. We need to keep reminding ourselves of what a dangerous and dishonest man this is who wants to lead our country.


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