
Thursday 5 July 2012

Da Troll

Unlike the metropolitan media, here in the Northern Rivers our local newspapers tend to host polite commentators.

However, recently one regular contributor began turning into a bit of a troll:

By yambaman from Yamba,
Just wondering if some shooters could be let out of national parks to get rid of the human "ferals" living near me?

By yambaman from Yamba,
Prosecute the trespassers! Can Centrelink get out there and get the dole bludgers more gainfully employed - I have heard Gina Rinehardt is looking for employees? Hopefully "Boudicca" and "Davey Bob" could join the foreign workers, then again maybe they are foreign workers judging by their names!

What yambaman forgets is that North Coast towns are not all that big relatively speaking and (just as Boudicca is widely known to hold a degree in environmental science from the University of New England) so many people know a great deal about him.

Such as his real name, what he looks like, his age, home address, the car he drives, preferred sport, hobbies and much, much more courtesy of his tendency to chatter away on multiple platforms across cyberspace.

An anonymity allowing one to be gratuitously nasty or xenophobic just doesn’t exist today.


  1. Now that IS funny Clarence Girl, you don't like what I say so I'm a xenophobic troll. And you know who I am and where I live eh, big deal, sounds vaguely threatening not that I'm scared! Now if you want a forum you should be big enough to cope with all views, not just trendy, pseudo-intellectual highbrow garbage from the left - get real. Time for a little pragmatism, call a spade a spade!

  2. yambaman, or loud-mouthed Dave as they refer to him behind his back at the 19th hole, being self-opinionated doesn't mean you're correct. Tolerance of others' views isn't all that difficult, is it?

  3. Well my response to Anomyous obviously has failed the Moderation test so I'll just requote from page 1 of this blog "Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers." Seems to me little tolerance of my views has been shown by either Clarence Girl or Anomyous, if I don't agree with their views I'm a loud mouthed, xenophobic troll! (and they know where I live).

  4. "Well my response to Anomyous [sic] obviously has failed the Moderation test"
    All Yambaman's comments have been published to date.
    None were censored and none were excluded as spam.

  5. Hmmm, so yambaman not only distorts things, it seems he also tells pork pies.

  6. Well NCV Admin, all I can say is NOT all of my comments have been published to date, in fact 2 have not been and if this doesn't make it it'll be 3. Of course our hero Anonymous believes you, not me re this matter, just how blind is he/she to the truth?

  7. For yambaman's benefit I repeat;
    "All Yambaman's comments have been published to date.
    None were censored and none were excluded as spam."
    You have three comments linked to 'Da Troll', one comment linked to 'Andrew Bolt accuses..." and one comment linked to 'National Carbon Price...'.
    That is the sum of all comments sent under your pseudonym.
    I note that all anonymous comments received since your original comment have also been published.
    One has to suspect that your protestations are merely trolling.

  8. Rubbish, you may control the site but I know what I sent and it isn't all on here so something's going on, I say censorship! And it's not me who's being the troll i.e. the prick!

  9. Mr.Schwarz, five comments were received from you and five comments were published uncensored.
    End of story.
    If you can't admit you made a mistake that is a behavioural problem you have to live with.
    Comments for this post are now closed.


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