
Thursday 26 July 2012

Gone to sea

Years ago the NSW Government was told that climate change effects would mean that many of the state’s beaches would disappear over time.
This is Yamba’s main beach in the winter courtesy of The Daily Examiner online. Notice the absence of any hint of sand at high tide.

Sadly at low tide the beach is a pale ghost of its former self as Coastalwatch's live SurfCam shows.
This is a foolish Clarence Valley Council trying to defy the might of the sea and changed ocean conditions:
Erosion at Turner's Beach, Yamba
Pic from The Daily Examiner
In a 17th July 2012 media release Clarence Valley Council and Mayor Richie Willamson forget what the Federal Government, NSW Government and CSIRO have been telling them for at least the last five years about expected erosion of soft shorelines in the lower Clarence River estuary*:
Whiting Beach in the Clarence River estuary
* Thanks to Clarencegirl for reminding me that some of these reports specifically address issues in the Clarence River estuary. 

1 comment:

  1. Astounding, I'm in agreement again! Rather than a monstrous new, costly (and no doubt ineffective) seawall at Main, put the money towards moving the surf club to the north-western end of Lovers Point (Pippi) and leave Main Beach to the elements. Alternatively, move the surf club to Turners. Both venues are much more visible and accessible to a general public wanting quality casual club facilities beachside, heaven forbid, the surf club might actually become a clone of those on the Gold and Sunshine Coasts and make some money!


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