
Saturday 21 July 2012

Mrs Meggs, that's a shocker!

Ginger Meggs, who's a regular in The Daily Examiner, carried a big boo-boo when it appeared in today's edition.

However, this time Ginger wasn't responsible - he was completely innocent.

Instead, it was his mother who put her foot (or rather, her mouth) in it.

Give yourself pat on the back when you find her howler.

Ginger's Mum, Sarah, ought to be required to write the word correctly one hundred thousand times.

UPDATE: The  version of Ginger which appeared in the Examiner was an early one which has since been corrected. The appearance of "aught" can be attributed to a Yank who changed it for this/her audience and was too slack to get back to Aussie Jason. Jason and his Aussie mates have subsequently set things straight. Thanks, Jason!


  1. What makes it an even bigger howler is that "aught" is an English language word which has a valid meaning that is far removed from the meaning of "ought".

    Although the published in America aspect finally explains why Ginge has become less recognizably, colloquially and entertainingly Australian in recent times.
    Sort of meat pie without the sauce.

    He's been globalised!!

  2. He's been globalised, yes, but remains truly Australian.
    Why has he been globalised? Because of our unsupportive major newspaper industry in Australia. They only think of money, not caring for what their readers actually want. The only way Ginger can remain in print is if he's published overseas, sadly.

    Thank God for papers like the Examiner!


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