
Thursday 12 July 2012

The reason Nats Chris Gulaptis MP was not at Grafton Gaol when prison transfer vans arrived - he expected manufactured confrontation!

The Clarence Valley at its best in defence of community....


  1. O'Farrell's henchmen came in the dark and came in force to wreck the Grafton community.
    What makes it worse is they also came at the behest of the Member for Clarence Chris (The Shite) Gulaptis.

  2. Unbelievable, you people - have you ever looked at the demise of the Greek economy? You've no idea, the reason that country is stuffed is the complete over-reliance on government employment. Sadly, there were not enough jobs over there where people were producing wealth for economic prosperity within the country.

    And now we have all the doom and gloom because a bloody gaol has closed, 107 government jobs lost, big deal. Most towns don't want a gaol in them for love or money, why it is only a couple of hundred years ago the poms didn't even want crims in their country, they sent them here.

    Government jobs don't make a town, look at Canberra the most soulless city of all! Grafton needs private sector jobs, if the protesters could see past the end of their noses they'd be out there risking their own capital creating businesses and wealth for themselves and work for those not game/able to avail themselves of opportunities. The government owes nobody a living, stop expecting something for nothing, the world is full of opportunities if you only bother to get off your backside and take them!

  3. Think you'll find that widespread and endemic tax evasion as well as public debt had a lot to do with the current crisis in the Greek economy.

    Also it's a bit silly of you to compare the economy of an entire European country with that of Grafton, which is only a small regional city in New South Wales.

    Nor do you acknowledge that these local 107 jobs - in an insitution which has been in the town for the last 150 years- are just the latest in an ongoing economic loss.

    As for 'Government jobs don't make a town' - Canberra was created on the back of this very type of job and it's also a territory whose Gross State Product is expected to grow by 2% this financial year.

    If you look back further at the relevant 2010-2011 ACT economic papers you will find that "The highest contribution to GSP in volume terms came from the Public administration and safety industry" and "Gross household disposable income per capita in the ACT in 2010-11 was the highest of all jurisdictions ($65,971) and 63.5% higher than the national average ($40,360)."

    Think you're talking though the very "backside" you are urging other people to get off.


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