
Friday 17 August 2012

Clarence Valley Local Council Election 2012 Candidate ScoreCard: Week Two

Candidates standing for the nine councillor positions at the 8 September 2012 Clarence Valley Local Government Election are being rated on their individual campaigns to win over voters.

The score range is -10 to 10. Every candidate starts at zero (0)

Scoring began in the week ending 10 August 2012.

This week its the sound of silence, things half said, words that should not have been uttered at all, and who went where, which affect the score.

Name                       Designation            Running Score

Rod Morrison        Independent            1 + -0.5 = 0.5 started to register on the scorecard for attending the Clarence Valley Community Unions forum this week, at which it was resolved to form a committee to grow the Clarence Valley's economy and lobby for increased public service jobs in the local government area (1). However Rod lost points because his almost 11 day-old candidate's page on Facebook remains a policy-free zone filled with nothing but photographs of himself. It's almost as if he has been taking campaigning advice from Gulaptis,Lees or Cansdell.

Margot Scott          Independent           1 leaves the barrier at a fair pace as it is understood that she attended council committee meetings during the week.

Paul Parkinson                                  -3 +-2 +1-1 = -5 he has reached this score for his past pro-uranium mining stand as a Kempsey councillor and his lack of support for traditional owners (-2) combined with attendance at the Clarence Valley Community Unions forum (1) marred by the fact that he was the only member of the 100-strong audience whose personal ambition saw him attempt to use the occasion as part of his electioneering (-1).

Craig Howe            Independent          -1 1 + -0.4 + 1= 0.6 although positively adding to last week's score by attending the Clarence Valley Community Unions forum (1), his tally remains low due to a social media mis-step which initially saw him head his Facebook candidate page with a photo of Parliament House in Canberra, before changing it to something more appropriate after being chipped about possible political ambitions elsewhere (-0.4).  He was somewhat redeemed by the fact that he is using his Facebook page to inform voters of his record as a Clarence Valley Shire councillor (1).

Andrew Baker       Independent            1 + -1 = 0 commenced scoring because he attended the Clarence Valley Community Unions forum (1), but lost points for his somewhat confused attempt at this forum to portray the Clarence Valley as having deliberately rejected private enterprise (-1)

Ursula Tunks        Independent             1 + 1 =2 for setting her policies out clearly and getting them into the public arena early (1) and attending the Clarence Valley Community Unions forum (1).

Joy de Roos                                       -1 score remains static as she has not been heard from all week.

Jim Simmons         Independent            0 remains static due to his silence.

Greg Clancy           Independent            1 +1 +1 + 0.5 = 3.5 this candidate increased his score because he didn't obsess about campaign slogans and instead placed his clearly outlined policies in the public arena for the benefit  of voters (1), attended the Clarence Valley Community Unions forum (1) and put one of the better questions to this forum when he asked the guest speaker, economist Prof. Bill Mitchell, how the Clarence Valley economy might be successfully grown (with residents encouraged to spend locally to support retail businesses/jobs) without depleting the LGA's finite resources or damaging its natural environment (0.5).

Jane Beeby            Independent           -3  no change in her score as she has been silent this week.

Sue Hughes           Independent            1 + 1 + 0.5 = 2.5 for attending the Clarence Valley Community Unions forum (1) and quickly speaking up for the health needs of the Lower Clarence when fellow-candidate Paul Parkinson was intent on displaying his lack of knowledge concerning Valley communities (0.5). Sue would have scored higher if she had placed more background as a councillor/policy information in the public arena, for first time voters or those newly resident in the LGA.

Karen Toms                                        1 +1 + 0.5 = 2.5 increased her running score by
attending the Clarence Valley Community Unions forum (1) and for her inclusive manner when interacting with other people at this forum. Karen would have scored higher if she had placed more background as a councillor/policy information in the public arena, for first time voters or those newly resident in the LGA. 

Michael McIvor       Independent            1 begins to register a score for attending the Clarence Valley Community Unions forum.

Jeremy Challacombe Independent        -1.5 + 1 + -0.5 = -1 increased his score by being one of the listed speakers at the Clarence Valley Community Unions forum (1) but foolishly reduced his running total by failing to acknowledge those business strategies already in place to promote and grow the Clarence Valley economy as he sought to 're-invent the wheel' (-0.5).

Richie Williamson                               1 + 1 = 2 increased his score by attending  the Clarence Valley Community Unions forum (1). Richie trembles on the cusp of a lower score as he needs to offer voters more than just the slogan "100% Clarence" and a recap of the mayoral diary on Facebook before next week.  

Margaret McKenna  Independent          -2  score remains static.     

Jason Kingsley        Independent           1 score remains static due to his silence.

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