
Sunday 26 August 2012

Clarence Valley Local Government Elections 2012: Only Grafton would come up with this idea

The Clarence Business Enterprise Advice Service and the Grafton Chamber of Commerce and Industry are holding a breakfast for business people on Wednesday 5 September 2012 - between 7 am and 8.30 am at the Grafton TAFE restaurant, Grafton. 

Choosing what is probably one of the most difficult times of the day for most candidates and many Lower Clarence business people to attend a forum – presumably to create a venue favourable to those Grafton business owner/operators who just happen to be candidates at the 8 September Clarence Valley local government election.

This excerpt from the 24 August invitation more or less indicates this:

 All candidates will be invited and asked to speak for 2 minutes on the topic - what I will do to promote and grow business and opportunities if elected to the Clarence Valley Council.  After all candidates have spoken, the floor will be open to question on Business and Economic Development.   People attending the "meet the candidates" will be business owner/operators only. Questions from the floor will be limited to business related questions.

The format is basically arrival 7 - 7.30 am open presentation at 7.30 and subsequent 
questions from the floor until 8.30 am.  [my bolding] You are welcome to mix and mingle prior to and after the presentation and question session.  The cost to candidates for breakfast is $15 (cost price).   The event is to be moderated by CBEAS president Trevor Hageman.   At this stage, order of speaking will be names drawn from a hat.

We are aware some candidates may not be able to attend, [my bolding] so you are invited to prepare a written presentation that will last one (1) minute, which will be read to the meeting on your behalf.  Please use the time carefully, Introduce your name, and present on the topic - attendees will be directed to the Daily Examiner profile for more background and general information.  We feel this is fair because those attending will be available for further scrutiny from the floor.

We hope you are available to attend, please RSVP asap to allow us to promote the candidates attending and catering.  Any further questions should be directed to myself, either email or mobile number below. 

Best Wishes
James Patterson
Executive Officer
Grafton Chamber of Commerce & Industry

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