
Friday 14 September 2012

A few idle observations at the end of the week

“The cruel internet world of Facebook”
was how one Daily Examiner journo described this social networking site last Tuesday.

Such a sweeping generalization for a site on which the newspaper has proudly plonked itself.
See My big fat apology

Has anyone ever seen those intrepid Valley recreational fishers Graham Mackie and Dan Frogan in the same room together?

Which female face was supposed to be in this candidate line up until she allegedly refused to pre-commit to voting for one of the blokes as Clarence Valley’s deputy mayor if she was re-elected for another term?
The Clarence Valley Review on 5th September 2012

Can anyone find any real evidence of "the 189 new full-time jobs" for Grafton that Nats MP for Clarence Chris Gulaptis was bragging about down in Macquarie Street on the 5th of September 2012? I know I can't.

Which Clarence Valley Review journalist ran a comment string on social media during the recent council election campaign urging ratepayers, residents and business owners not to take on board the views posted on North Coast Voices?

Mouse Gif from Google Images

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