
Sunday 16 September 2012

Culture and arts the focus of a Clarence Valley Council survey - participate now!

This media release is posted at the request of one of North Coast Voices’ regular readers. He would like to see Lower Clarence residents in particular participate.

Culture and arts the focus of council survey

Clarence Valley Council has launched an online survey to allow residents to voice their opinion on where the Valley’s heading on cultural and art issues.
As a part of council’s aim to revise its Cultural Plan, the survey urges communities to voice their opinions about what interests them culturally, and where they would like to see improvements.
Council’s General Manager, Scott Greensill, has urged all Clarence Valley residents to complete the online survey.
“The survey takes less than 10 minutes to complete and is an opportunity for residents to tell council what is important to them when it comes to arts and culture in the Clarence,” Mr Greensill said.
“The survey will be available online until Monday September 24. Hard copies of the survey will also be available at libraries and council customer service centres.”
To access the survey, simply go to the CVC website and select the link.
“Council adopted its inaugural Cultural Plan in 2007,” Mr Greensill said. “A review of the current Cultural Plan is underway to assess the progress that has been achieved over the past five years. The revised Cultural Plan will be launched in early 2013 and will cover a period of four years.”

Release ends.
Authorised by: Scott Greensill General Manager 02 6643 0212  
For further information contact:
Des Schroder Deputy General Manager (Environment & Economic) 0447 430 261 or 02 6643 0203

Interested residents can take the survey here.

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